Somehow through the miracles of praying to the travel gods and every other deity we could think of (including the mini Ganesh by the entry), DineGirl has been lucky enough to partake in some fabulous Grand Prix action in Monte Carlo!! Shamelessly and unapologetically we are going to attempt to blend in with the air-kissing posers and escape the hustle and bustle of New York. The key to any jet-set weekend is eliminating anything practical. While a normal beach weekend would consist of a ‘Montauk’ sweatshirt and a ponytail, in Monte Carlo it’s high heels, bright colors and piled on jewelry for breakfast, and make up on the yacht at all times. Who’s racing? Is anyone really paying attention? Not sure, but this is the ultimate in ultimate people watching…
Here’s our ab-fab, racing inspired MCGP weekend packing essentials:

Day: jcrew vintage sweatshirt and neon papaya bikini, Anita Ko rose gold and diamond necklace, Chloé ruffled dress, Kiehl’s Super Fluid, and Thierry Lasry sunglasses
Night: Irene Neuwirth rose gold and diamond earrings, Caudalíe Beauty Elixir, Issa silk gown, Chloé striped dress and Jimmy Choo heels